The educational value of art through the sense of Touch
The educational value of art through the sense of Touch
The Τactual Museum welcomes children and teenagers with learning and developmental difficulties, as part of visits to special schools, but also independently. The staff of the Museum, using the great educational value of Art and the sense of Touch as the main means of approaching it, have created programs that enhance through playful learning procedures, the participatory process and creative contact with culture, as well as the introduction to the concept of disability blindness and diversity.
At the same time, there is special planning and implementation of programs and care for accessible tools for transmitting any information to adult people of vulnerable groups (with other disabilities, mental retardation, immigrants e.t.c.), in order to have equal access to the rich world of the Tactual Museum of Touch.
The admission to these programs and actions for this category of population is free.
To schedule guided tours, please call 210 941 5222 (Secretariat Office) or send an email to: info@fte.org.gr.
Educational programs can be scheduled exceptionally and on weekends by appointment, mainly for schools or families from the region.