“My first Tactile Book” A New Educational Program at the Tactual Museum (21/6 & 23/6)
“My first Tactile Book” A New Educational Program at the Tactual Museum (21/6 & 23/6)
The Tactual Museum invites you to its new creative workshop that is aimed at children between 4 and 12 years old, entitled “My first Tactile Book”.
This innovative workshop offers a unique experience to the young attendants through totally creative and playful procedures. Thus, after a guided tour at the Museum’s halls and tactile exploration of the artifacts for a differentiated approach of the art and culture, the children are challenged to create a tactile book, using a variety of materials of different textures.
In the art workshop children, after a tactile exploration of the space, are invited to organize and classify the stimuli they have received by creating a tactile book. In the short story they will create inspired by their tour of the museum, they will use a variety of materials with different textures to create their first tactile book.
Educational program objectives:
- Empathy, social awareness, inclusion.
- Developing creative thinking and imagination.
- Strengthening tactile perception through fine motor skills.
- Mobilization of all senses and observation.
Υoung visitors will be given printed educational material and the book they will make themselves in the art workshop.
Useful information:
Ticket cost: FREE
Workshop cost: FREE
For registrations: 210 94 15 222 // info@fte.org.gr
The Educational Program was designed and implemented by the Tactual Museum of the Lighthouse for the Blind of Greece with the kind support of the MYTILINEOS Company in 2023.