“The American Friends of the Blind in Greece” and their work from 1946 until today

“The American Friends of the Blind in Greece” and their work from 1946 until today

…….Robert Adams: “The new generation continues our work

Bob Adams has served as a member of the Board of Directors of The American Friends of the Blind in Greece for more than 20 years and for the past 10 years has been the organization’s president.

“A great program that we support is the Tactual Museum in Kallithea, where blind people visit and touch the exhibits, which are replicas of archaeological monuments. They can stand in front of them and touch them, feel the architectural model of the Acropolis or touch a statue of Praxiteles. We also support Ceramic Art and have teachers who teach the blind how to make Ceramics with their own hands.’

“…Kathy Tsouros: The Tactual Museum awakens the senses of people who have no sight. Kathy Tsouros has been a member of “The American Friends of the Blind in Greece’’ for over 20 years. We are very grateful to all Greek-Americans, who have helped us with their support, so that we can still keep the programs for the blind in Greece at a good level.

The “Tactual Museum” for the blind is also a very interesting place and is open to anyone visiting Athens. It is interesting to be side by side with a non-sighted person, who explores the various art works, using only the sense of touch. Art acquires an even higher destination when it awakens the senses of people who cannot see.

  • Published in: Weekly Edition of the “National Herald”
  • Publication date: Saturday 7 – Sunday 8 November 2020