Some comments of public & political figures who honored us with their presence:
“Congratulations on your enormous contribution to the blind fellow man and society in general.”
The President of the Hellenic Republic – Prokopios Pavlopoulos
“I leave impressed by my visit to the Lighthouse for the Blind of Greece and the Tactual Museum; I was surprised to learn that this Museum is one of the five of its kind in the world. Warm congratulations on your work and your contribution and concern for our fellow human beings! Thank you!”
Alexia Evert – Deputy Mayor of Social Solidarity of the Municipality of Athens
“A special Museum! A museum of emotions! A museum where you can “embrace” history! A Museum served by people with knowledge, love, warmth and passion! Thank you!”
Anna Giannakou-Paschou – Deputy Mayor of Kallithea
“Thank you for the unique experience! You give us inspiration and strength to continue! To broaden horizons TOGETHER for our children! In an equal and meaningful way!”
Sofia Zaharaki – Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs
“Every time I visit the Lighthouse for the Blind of Greece I get strength, courage and hope. Thank you!”
Theano Fotiou – Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
“What a worthy work. Continue. Me personally and all of us will always be by your side!”
Yiannis Balafas – Member of the Parliament of the South Section of Athens with SYRIZA
“The Tactual Museum is the Museum of hope. Thank you for giving us strength to get better. Thank you for the honor of being guided by your side.”
Giorgos A. Stamatis – General Secretary of Social Solidarity and Fight against Poverty
“Thank you for the tour and for the effort you are making. People with disabilities claim their right to equal living.”
Konstantinos Lolitsas – Secretary of Disabled Persons
“Congratulations on the excellent work! Significant social contribution! Be strong and continue your efforts!”.
Kostis Hatzidakis, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
Some comments from educational groups, schools, families and visitors from around the world:
“Thank you for the cultivation of the soul and the awareness you have awakened in us. Respect for diversity!”
23rd Primary School of Kallithea
“I will not forget from today’s tour that the non-sighted said: “..I see that..” and really discovered with Touch details in depth…”
Kalaintzi Kon/na-N.H.M.
“Thank you very much for the tour and your time. We understand that there are many ways to “see”!”
«Thank you very much for this experience. It was a great pleasure to visit this exciting Museum. The guide was amazing.»
Some Romanian teachers
“It’s the best chance anyone has to appreciate this precious sense of touch! Fascinated, all three of us!”
Jason-Electra-Myrto (Family)
“Thank you very much for teaching us that everyone, regardless of difficulties, can achieve anything and that art and beauty can be perceived with all the senses!”
3rd Pack of Air Scouts of Kifissia
“Thank you very much for everything you told us. It was a nice experience going into the world of the blind! A very different, unique and interesting Museum!”
8th Primary School of Faliro
“Thank you very much for the great hospitality!!! We enjoyed it!”
The young and older Members of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center
«Ι liked this museum because i could touch whatever i wanted! Something that cannot be done anywhere else!»
A visitor from Spain